One of the things that really got us motivated to move out of New Hampshire to Colorado is the thought of our future. We honestly couldn't see ourselves getting the kinds of jobs we knew we deserved and we never felt content living in New Hampshire. Now that we are officially residents of Colorado, it is truly the first time in as long as I can remember that Jeremy and I can start actually planning for the future. We both have great paying jobs to start and, with very much excitement, I am happy to say that Jeremy is now training to become a Financial Planner and is in the process of getting licensed. I am so proud of him and I am happy to be a part of this process.
Here are some of the things that have happened since my last post:
I accepted a position as an Admissions Counselor at Ashford University. I will be working specifically with the online school that has about 90,000 students that take courses strictly online. My job is to call people who have expressed interest in enrolling and get them registered. I will show the new students our website and how they will be taking their classes. The part I am particularly excited about is keeping in contact with each student I register for the remainder of the semester to make sure everything is going smoothly. I start training on July 5th and I think I am really going to enjoy this job. Everyone I have met there really seems to love it. My work is located a little more than a mile from my new apartment so I can walk or bike to work and it's also right on the 16th Street Mall which is an absolute blast. It's a mile long mall that has every restaurant or shop you could ask for. It has pianos on each block and it's fun to walk around hearing everyone play. It also has great Happy Hours I am looking forward to checking out. :)
Jeremy was offered a position doing the exact same thing he was doing in New Hampshire but making double the pay. He is a collector for Federal student loans with Sallie Mae and likes it. The company thinks he is doing a great job and really seems to value what he has to say. When it comes down to it, Jeremy doesn't want to be doing collections forever. Thankfully, my work was looking for someone to fill a financial services adviser position so I forwarded his resume to them. We are extremely happy because they recently contacted him for an interview so keep us in your prayers while he pursues this. If he got this position, it would be great for his resume, he would make more an hour, we would be working in the same building doing the same hours and we could commute together. I also think he would really enjoy the job as well. And, as I mentioned earlier, he is now working for World Financial Group as a Financial Adviser. If he isn't working at his day job, then he is at World Financial Group training and getting his licenses. Thankfully, they really encourage me to be a part of this process so I get to be with him while he is there in the evenings. I really like WFG and what they stand for and it gives Jeremy a way to be self employed which he has always wanted to be. Overall, we couldn't be happier that this is just the beginning of what is yet to come.
All in all, things are coming together better than we could have ever imagined. The weather here is incredible: there is no humidity which, that alone, makes it the best place on the planet for me. Besides that, it is sunny over 300 days out of the year. If it says it is going to rain, it rains for maybe 10 minutes and then is beautiful for the rest of the day. We also found a great church down the street and joined a married couples class called 3 Strands which we go to before our church service and have met some incredible people there. They love to hunt and camp so Jeremy is in his glory. Like I mentioned, we signed a 12 month lease at a great place in the city which is near everything, we are now saving for retirement, started putting money into a house fund, both have secure jobs and Jeremy is in the process of living out his dream as self employed. Truly, we feel blessed more and more everyday.
Things we are excited about ahead:
On July 21st, we move into our new apartment downtown which I absolutely cannot wait for! We will practically be neighbors with our friends Lauren, Jay and Leigh! I will also be adopting a kitten in July which I have been excited about FOR MONTHS (and I'm not sure Jeremy shares my enthusiasm to it's intensity)! We also feel incredibly blessed for all of our friends that are coming to visit us between August and November. Jackie and Jay will be visiting over Labor Day weekend, my parents and sister will be here in September into October. Then the second week in October our friends Kate and Grimes will be here and then Kristina and Chris will be here for Thanksgiving. We've also already booked our flight to New Hampshire for a few days over Christmas Break!
Thank you to everyone who reads this and prays for us. We cannot express how happy we are here and how good it feels to now have reachable goals. I also feel so incredibly blessed to have the most wonderful husband in the world who makes everyday the best day. Life is good.
God Bless!